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Halloween is here & the weather is actually quite nice

The remainder of Friday was cold, wet, and rainy.  Ditto for Saturday although by really late evening it was finally not rainy or even drizzling.  Today the weather is really sunny and nice.  We here always like the nice weather. Kitties like to lay in the window sills and soak up the sun.  The big dogs love to go for long walks and then enjoy some time in the yard just laying in the warm sun.  The porch kitties are still here & they have even brought one more friend to share their food.  I am hoping that this is temporary.  Our Big Boy has finally decided not to get so excited about kitties.  Today he was in the yard and he was so much less reactive so I have hope that he is finally coming around with regard to the cats.  Baby kitty Cleo is having her own Halloween as when we got out the Halloween themed bowl for the treats she promptly curled up in it.  I went to get the camera, but of course by the time I got that all set she was off to something else. They are hard to photograph when they seem to know you want to get their picture being cute. We are still trying to reach our goal for the vet bills for the two Cleo kitty & the Big Boy.  We are also still working on getting funds for the kennel. Thanks again for those who have donated for one or the other. We are thinking of starting a graph page so you can see your donations grow as we wok toward our goals.  We are grateful for having more free time with our professional jobs being so slow right now as it gives us more time for the animals, but it sure makes it hard for us to cover all  of the expenses as we have always tried to do in the past.  We are so appreciative of all of you who are passing out the information to others and to those of you who have donated to help out.  We will continue to post more information to this blog as well as more photos of those rescued animals who have new forever homes.  We will also have more photos and biographies and even more angel kitties to add so keep on checking our blog and site.   We are trying to update the blog daily and get more info on the site as well.  Thank you for being there for us. The critters at Last Chance Critter Rescue

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