Folks, It's been a while since we have had time to post here. We have been busy finding a new home for Jackson the little terrier mix as his family moved into a place that was large enough for them, but refused to allow pets. He found a great new home with an older couple and they spoil him rotten.
We have been dealing with the URI (upper respiratory infection ) which our kitties caught from a kitty we had boarded here temporarily. It seems to be almost over then another kitty will begin to get ill. Even though they had previously been done with it. Very frustrating.
We are doing spring cleaning and repairs that we had waited to do until better weather.
We love the gifts we have received from our Amazon wishlist and the critters are very thankful that folks are thinking of them.
We are getting ready to do a Costco run for major cat litter purchasing. It is amazing how much cat litter we actually use here with all the kitties. Well, putting this trip off won't make it happen so we should close for now so we can get the litter trip over with.
We will try to post again soon.