Our Mascott Keiko Kitty
Thanks for Visiting Us
Last Chance Critter Rescue is focused on providing sanctuary for a few animals who would otherwise not have any chance of a real home. We have based our rescue mission on the idea that if we each do a very small part we can make a huge difference.
We rescue individual cats one by one. Our goal is to give them new forever homes with loving people. We also try to assist with loving Foster Care for those critters we cannot reasonably care for and who need additional time to secure placement. Those who are not selected for due to medical or behavioral issues become our permanent guests and live out their lives here with us. Others are adopted by the folks who originally to Foster them. We have rescued a Bunny who was left when his people moved and they did not take him to their new home. The same was true of a rescued Betta fish who was left in an apartment that the folks moved out of. (No horses yet, though that was Aunt Margy's favorite rescue critter. We do not have room for livestock here.)

Aunt Margy our critter rescue is in memory of her and the many critters cats, dogs, horses, and other animals over her many years
We are trying to the good works begun by my Aunt Margy who was a great advocate for animals. She loved and saved many dogs, kitties, horses and other animals large and small. We are continuing this in her memory.
We currently have fifteen kitties, one bunny, one Betta fish and one giant dog who are being given a forever home her with us. Two of our fifteen cats are sojourners currently hanging out on the front porch. They may become permanent guests in future, but for now they are fed and loved.

Margy with Rocky 1964 Picture[1]
Check out the pages listed on the left side of this page. In the About Us & To Donate section there is a Donate button which will allow you to help us out using PayPal's secure site. Just on the button. Also more information about us.
Our CARDS & MEMORIAL GIFTS page is where you can view photos of our beautiful Handmade Cards and place your orders for your cards. We create cards for all of the and also have All Occasion Cards available for order. Upon request we will create cards just for you using a photo you provide. We also have Memorial Gift if you would like to receive one of those. Check it out our cards are very unique. You can also visit our Cleo's Critter Creations website to view or order our cards there too. That is at www.cleoscrittercreations.com
Read our Animal Blog to follow the animals and leave a comment if you like. Also for updates about us and what we are up to.
Look at the photos of some of our many cats & dogs in our Slide Show.
Please sign Our Guest Book we'd to see you have visited. our Contact Form so we know who you are or to leave comments for us.
Our Animal Biographies section has histories and photos of our animals on site. We are a bit behind in getting all of our current residences posted here, but we update as frequently as we can.
We follow that with our Critters Adopted section where we feature some of the many critters who have visited us and then found new forever . Many of our older rescued animals photos are not in digital format and we are way behind in getting them scanned to add to these . Also some of our oldest animals were not frequently photographed or the photos have been lost or destroyed. Before the digital age; " photos were expensive and at the time who would have wanted to see all those old photos anyway," to quote Grandpa. However we are going through what photos can be found and will add the oldest ones when we can scan them into digital format.
The Our Seniors section introduces you to some of our . We are pleased to be able to give to them so they may have the companionship of their forever friends.
The Angel Animals section has some photos of those animals we have rescued and later lost due to old age or health issues. More will be added as we get them into digital format. We also have some Poems to Comfort those who have recently lost their forever friend in the Critters Comfort Section.
Our Fan Photos Section is where we post your submitted photos of your favorite critters. They can be current or past. We need their info & first name of their owner. We hope to receive many photos.
Our Coffee For Critters page is our fundraiser.
Fill out the form, use the Pay Pal secure donate button, and check out how we are doing with our drive. We show who has pledged and hope that we receive the pledged amounts.
We will update our critter information frequently and introduce you to our rescue critters over time.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates and photos of our dogs, cats, fish and bunny on our website. There's much more to come!