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finally sunny weather

Well, the sun is finally out so it is time to start getting things dried out a bit.  The day was great cool, but sunny and a bit windy which helped to dry things out more. The Big Boy dog prefers the dry weather on his walks and the kitties are happier when they can go out in the backyard and enjoy some sunshine for a bit. Baby kitty Cleo is also much happier when there are sunny days as she likes to have adventures in the backyard and chase the leaves and such.  We are still hoping for a new kennel area for the big dogs before the really severe weather is here.  The Big Boy is still puppy enough that he will chew and get into things if left alone for any amount of time.  That is if he is not yipping for attention.  That and he still wants to chase the kitties if he is not supervised very closely. So, a kennel area where he and kitties are both safe is the best option for now. Our Merlin kitty is adverse to going in the yard at all since the Big Boy came to stay as he is terrified that the dog will catch him if he is anywhere near there.  We are still hoping for time to resolve this whole cat chasing problem.  We are in hopes that eventually the Big Boy will learn that he and the kitties both live here and that kitties are not to be bothered. I have never had an issue with any of the other animals I have rescued in the past that was not eventually resolved with much time and patience. I have hopes that once he is neutered he will also calm down a bit more.  Also am hoping for some professional training for the Big Boy in future when money allows for this. Other than that all is pretty quiet here. The usual chores and such as well as twice daily long walks for the big dogs take up most  of our time. Thanks again for checking in on our critters. We are thrilled to hear from you if you would like to comment or sign our guest book.  Keep checking back we will keep everyone updated on our progress.  Also the website will be updated with more biographies and photos of all of our critters as we can make the time to do so.

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